Hello Blogosphere,

It has been a longtime coming but we are finally here. I will start with the customary introductions. My name is Victor, and I am the owner of the Tropical Smoothie Cafes’ on New Garden Rd in Greensboro and at 3860 John Gordon Lane in High Point(Palladium).

At my day job, I am a physician. Specifically, I am a cancer doctor. My wife, Nikki, is also a physician who practices Family Medicine. Although we currently live out of state we are both North Carolina born and bred. Nikki is originally from Greensboro and is a Guilford College alum. I am originally from Shelby, NC (home of the 3 time 2A State football champions), but Greensboro has become my second home.

We are parents to 2 fantastic children ages 13 and 6, and lead busy professional and social lives. We try to practice what we preach and make healthy food choices (most of the time) and exercise regularly.

The hustle and bustle of everyday life can make healthy eating, sleeping and exercise luxuries and not the basic necessities of existence that they truly are. With two working parents, basketball practice, swimming lessons, piano, violin, homework, birthday parties and karate on any given day something has to give.

About 7 years ago we came across a Tropical Smoothie CafĂ© at the shopping center were we live. Being the country boy that I am I was quite skeptical. My wife and daughter loved it. Truth be told I was overwhelmed by the menu, and the thought of drinking vegetables wasn’t very appealing. Nevertheless, we tried again, and again, and again. I advanced past the smoothies to the food, and to make a long story short I was hooked. Good to me AND good for me, there was nothing left to discuss. We truly became “smoothiefoodies” and visited several time a week.

Now my first child was/is a garbage disposal. Anything that is not nailed down will be eaten dead or alive. My second child was/is much more picky. He could exist off of PB & J and grapes if he had his way. In fact until 4 months ago he took a PB&J sandwich in his lunch everyday for almost 3 years. He would occasionally request it at night too. But for peer pressure, he would not eat cheese pizza on Mondays with his friends.

Being physicians we recognize that he needs variety in his diet and we continue try introduce different foods as most parents of picky eaters do. He is not having (without threats of course). He will however, drink a smoothie with carrots, bananas and almost any other thing that he doesn’t see mixed in. Now that’s a win for the grown ups!

After several years of enjoying Tropical Smoothie and having the opportunity to make a healthier choice versus traditional fast food, we decided to bring the concept home. We opened our first store on Dec 29th of 2013 (not the smartest idea) and our second store on April 28th, 2015. Both stores are doing well and give us an opportunity to promote health and wellness beyond our chosen professions. We are excited about the future and as I become a better me, we hope to play a part in you becoming a better.

Until then,



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